Dakota's Dialogue
Dakota's Dialogue started with my goal for 2020 to sit down and interview at least 10 successful people.. I failed. Life got busy, things happen, I didn't make this a priority and it got put on the back burner. I've got a new purpose and drive. The more this country deteriorates, it makes me wonder what has happened and how can we fix it. I believe it starts at home, in our local communities and spreads out from there. We need to have conversations with one another. Learn from one another. From there I believe we can get this country back on track, but it starts with each one of us doing our part.A goal for this podcast is to learn, inspire, and help educate. By exploring habits, traits, routines, and reasons why people do certain things, this is achievable.
Dakota's Dialogue
Episode 005. "I worked at Maverik 26 years ago, and bought the gas station across the street from it from hard work" W/ David M. Harris
Dakota Veater
Episode 5
Getting this country back on track starts right here at home. In our homes, local communities and out from there. It starts with helping our youth and giving them the best chance possible to succeed.
I was honored to sit down with Dave Harris. He's highly respected around our community for being a successful entrepreneur and businessman. He is running for Parowan City Council to do his part to help our community wherever he can. He puts our youth first and wants to watch them grow and be successful. Through hard work and putting in some effort, he's a great example of what somebody can achieve in a small community.
Get involved, go vote and do your part.
Voting ends November 2, 2021